Look at the way he wears the oriental garment. looking so natural as the yellow compliments his face band-aid AND the Microphone. Unbelievable.
.....OK that was a joke... Now really...Back to NBA Fashion

Above King James
I personally LOVE this outfit. I'm a sweater man myself but to each his own right? Sweaters are versatile and can be worn with a button up or just a T-shirt as pictured above. The Simple Striped sweater that's accompanied by the light brown shoes really make this outfit. The White Pants some wouldn't do but with the shoes it really makes the outfit work. Perfect Spring Outfit

CP3 Above
I posted this ensemble because i think it captures the essence of the Pocket Square. Under-rated yet so simple, it can really make an outfit go from looking good to having others take notes.

The Linen.. Killing it right with such simplicity. Sometimes it doesn't take much effort to come fresh and make a statement. D pulled that off very well with this ensemble.

"Money cant buy class"
Will end it this week on this picture. Mayweather pictured above drapped up in Damier Print Louis Vuitton. Wearing all Gucci or Prada doesn't mean you have style. Just because you can afford to wear designer and name brand doesn't mean you have style. Trendsetters take a piece and add's his own personal style or flare to it. Anyone can copy whats on a store manikin.
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