Where To Shop
http://www.casualmale.com/: This website is a perfect site for a bigmen trendsetter. They offer everything from socks and boxers to suits and shoes. They carry house brands (626 BLUE®, Canyon Ridge®) and name brand labels as well (Polo Ralph Lauren® ,Nautical Jeans Co.®). Since this is a specialty store; their prices are a little more expensive, BUT they offer their own credit card and a points program for frequent buyer (much like a Kroger plus card). This store, website, or catalog (all three are available for your shopping convenience) carries it all. It helps to know your measurements so you can tell the store reps and they will be able to guide you to what you need. They carry it all from xl-6xl and xlt-5xlt for those tall trendsetters. The store is very fashion forward. Check it out and let us know what you think. We here at bigmen trendsetters give Casual Male a big ups for looking out for us.

http://www.rocawear.com/: This is for you trendsetters who need to get down to the basics, and need to stick to the urban attire. While this site only carries their own brand, and doesn’t really offer a variety of clothing for you trendsetters who fell the need to be more business. They do offer you us big men a way to "keep it hood". They keep their big and tall section up to date, and offer the clothing as it is available, and the color selection. Another nice thing the website will tell you if the clothing will run true to fit, loose, or smaller. This is always an advantage so you can plan ahead. If you all read Vibe magazine you will see many ads featuring Jay-Z and the rocawear website. Vibe is also a fashion forward magazine, check them out and see what’s poppin for the season in fashion.
Just to keep my fellow trendsetters trendsetting, spring 2009 it’s green. So get to trendsetting.

Trendsetters there are literally a ton of places we shop at. I posted a few, and I personally shop at these stores. We are a blogspot so get to blogging; let us know where you shop at and where we can find the hook ups, or where to stay away from.
Bigmentrendsetters: There is trendsetting in progress
Check Out These Websites
www.RochesterClothing.com- Instead of the usual Big & Tall store why don't you try this website. It carry's everything from designer shirts to denim in plus sizes.
Watching Your Surroundings
Style File
This week's Style File highlights Actor/Comedian Cedric the Entertainer. "Ceddy" is best known for his roles in BarberShop, The Steve Harvey Show, and Kings of Comedy. Hardly ever seen without his hat, Cedric always looks polished in a suit:
Even on stage he keeps it quite eloquent in a pinstriped vest and tailored slacks.
No matter the occasion Cedric the Entertainer is a certified Big Man Trendsetter!
What Not To Wear
In the picture above, what was your first thought? It probably was not a positive one. Maybe you chuckled to yourself. Maybe you shook your head. Whatever your reaction, ask yourself the following questions: What message am I sending to others? Does my clothing and grooming reveal an attitude of indifference or a sense of responsibility? Respect or disrespect? Carelessness or dependability?
Wearing clothing that fits can not only make you look better. but it can also make you feel better. A Big Man Trendsetter, wears appropriate men's clothing that best shows your interests, personality, and individuality instead of wearing clothing that may promote unnecessary and misleading perceptions about who you really are. Don’t simply focus on current fashion trends and styles of the moment, but shop at stores that project the true image you want to send to those you come in contact with.
Nordstrom offers up to a 52L in suits http://shop.nordstrom.com/C/6017043/0~2376777~2374609~6002233~6017043?mediumthumbnail=Y&origin=leftnav&pbo=2374609
Macy’s offers a wide variety of sizes for Big and Tall men http://www1.macys.com/catalog/index.ognc?CategoryID=22178&PageID=95255329337325&kw=Big%20%26%20Tall
Ralph Lauren now has a Big and Tall section offering up to a size 6x http://www.ralphlauren.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=1995989&cp=1995989&ab=ln_men_cs_big&tall
Friday Fashion In The NBA

Look at the way he wears the oriental garment. looking so natural as the yellow compliments his face band-aid AND the Microphone. Unbelievable.
.....OK that was a joke... Now really...Back to NBA Fashion

Above King James
I personally LOVE this outfit. I'm a sweater man myself but to each his own right? Sweaters are versatile and can be worn with a button up or just a T-shirt as pictured above. The Simple Striped sweater that's accompanied by the light brown shoes really make this outfit. The White Pants some wouldn't do but with the shoes it really makes the outfit work. Perfect Spring Outfit

CP3 Above
I posted this ensemble because i think it captures the essence of the Pocket Square. Under-rated yet so simple, it can really make an outfit go from looking good to having others take notes.

The Linen.. Killing it right with such simplicity. Sometimes it doesn't take much effort to come fresh and make a statement. D pulled that off very well with this ensemble.

"Money cant buy class"
Will end it this week on this picture. Mayweather pictured above drapped up in Damier Print Louis Vuitton. Wearing all Gucci or Prada doesn't mean you have style. Just because you can afford to wear designer and name brand doesn't mean you have style. Trendsetters take a piece and add's his own personal style or flare to it. Anyone can copy whats on a store manikin.
Romantic Rendezvous for Two
1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil
10 medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 1/2 teaspoons minced garlic
What is Trendsetting?
- TREND-SETTER (Noun): Someone who popularizes a new fashion
- TREND (Noun): The general direction in which something tends to move
A trendsetter is a leader and innovator in every aspect of his life. This extends from fashion, to the community, all the way to your job. You can not slack in any area. I mean how can you have on a tailored Versace suit, and dirt in your nails? How can you have a 42" LG plasma screen, and still eat pizza out of the box on the floor? How can you have the job of your dreams, and do just enough to get by?
As it is African Americans are not given enough credit for being trendsetters in America. Who are naturally born with big lips and big butts? Who introduced the world to the blues, jazz, R&B, and Hip-Hop? Yet who often gets the credit? Therefore we as African Americans have to work 10 times harder to prove we are truly Trendsetters.
Trendsetting is a state of mind; any and everybody can be a trendsetter. A Big Man Trendsetter follows his personal style yet manages to pull off a look others find admirable. If others don't approve....oh well....he still wears/does/says what he likes. This blog is meant to inspire, motivate, and encourage all to find the trendsetter within.
Dressing Better
The way you dress fellas speaks alot about the person you are or the way people look at you as.
Dressing well is a key to those first impressions, weather out on a date or just casual everyday things of life. You want to come across with a image that defines you and not one that takes away from the person you really are. Do not think it takes a shopping spree to make changes. In the economy we live in the dollar value seems to decrease while the prices seem to increase. So lets discuss a few economic efficient ways to start dressing better without having to get in debt trying to do so.
First Off,
As Big men we have to realize that not everything name brand comes in our size.
Instead of trying to fit into that name brand shirt that you have no business in, buy quality items that fit you nicely. Sagging and oversized clothes are not a good look and at the same time seeing your heart beat in your shirt isnt either.
1. They Key to dressing better is all about How the clothes fit. That cant be stressed enough.
2. Find out what your personal style is, what i prefer and fits me is not going to be what the next man likes or prefers.
3. Personal Grooming.. Also a key.. depending on what you prefer just make sure its clean and doesnt detract from you.
4. Colors, I've noticed some colors look better on me than others. Shop around and try out some things. It also wouldnt hurt to bring a friend or ask the assistance of others on what looks good on you.
Just some things to think about